The 4th SPJ Online Seminar Series "Thinking about Global Health in the Age of With Corona: Infectious Diseases and Human Security"

SPJ Online Seminar Series 4th

"Thinking about Global Health in the Wiz Corona Era: Infectious Diseases and Human Security"

Title: "Blind spots for corona measures and human security"

Date and time: Wednesday, October 21, 2020 18: 30-19: 30

Speaker: Mr. Takao Toda <Special Assistant to the President of JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency)>

Profile: Greatly contributed to the mainstreaming of the human security philosophy in international cooperation and the promotion of UHC. He has served as the director of the JICA Peacebuilding Support Office, the director of the Human Security Group, the director of the Human Development Department, and a senior deliberation officer. It is active worldwide in the center.

Pre-registration link:

ver.4 [JICA Toda] Flyer
